Labour Advising
Our Labour Deparment is made up of professional labour technicians, labour experts and lawyers. A cohesive group whose aim is to assure the best attention and to transmit the idiosyncrasy of each client or market to the whole team.
Our priority is the continuous work and to join efforts by means of weekly meetings with our client. This keeps us updated about the new legal, syndical and trade-union related changes or developments.
Our services in this area include among others:
- Study and preparation of payrolls and social insurances.
- Registry of workers, self-employed and companies with Social Security.
- Processing and preparation of customized contracts with adapted clauses to the requirements of the client and the possible labour extensions.
- Study and preparation of misconduct, sanctions or dismissal letters.
- Study and advising about work collective conflicts, strikes or lockouts.
- Processing of Social Security pensions.
- Representation before an Employment Inspection or the subinspectors.
- Collective Dismissal Procedures.
- Representation before CEMAC (Mediation, Arbitration and Conciliation Centre) and the Labour Court.
- Appealing to official bodies.
- Subsides application and processing.
- Study, preparation and processing of Social Security payments deferral and dividing.
- Collective Dismissal Procedures.
In cases of major complexity, this team works with our Consultancy Department. Feel free to ask what we can do for you.
We take your Human Resources and staff challenges as ours.