Chartered and Insured

The guarantee of 3 professional and insurance RC

Col·legi d'Advocats de BarcelonaCol·legi de Graduats Socials de BarcelonaCol·legi d'Economistes de Catalunya

We believe that professional ethics requires assuming possible mistakes. The professionals of our team are registered with the Association of Economists of Catalonia, the Barcelona Bar Association and the College of Graduate Social XX respectively and has the protection of a liability insurance.

Daya work day to improve and adapt our methods and internal control processes but even before any error, you stress protected

Economists and Lawyers Barcelona

Economists and Lawyers

Work with a team of economists, lawyers and other professionals experts in diverse fields, which are ready to offer you integral and exclusive advice whenever and wherever you need

We design and execute customized projects and structures for complex cases as:  

  • Choice of the most adequate legal form for the development of an activity.
  • Analysis and restructure of the liabilities.
  • Planning and execution of the bankruptcy proceeding.
  • Development and tracking of a rescue plan for an enterprise which has compounded with their creditors or is in a insolvency situation.
  • Restructuring of enterprises by optimizing the Special Regimes (Régimen Fiscal Especial del Capítulo VIII del Título VII del Real Decreto Legislativo 4/2004, de 5 de marzo, Texto Refundido de la Ley del Impuesto sobre Sociedades).

Likewise, we defend your interests and aims in those legal fields that may affect your personal and professional life as:

Our belief is that the success is achieved by working with the best professionals in each field. For that reason, for those occasional and specific needs that are beyond our service domain, we provide a wide-ranging portfolio of collaborators with a solid background.

Trust us, feel protected and safe and focus all your efforts to your business.